How to Print this Guide

This basic on-line Users Manual consists of the following separate parts:

  1. Albury Local Internet - New Users Guide General Overview
  2. Basic Guide to Microsoft's Internet Explorer
  3. Basic Guide to Netscape Navigator
  4. Around the World Wide Web
  5. Why you may not be able to reach a site
  6. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  7. Basic E-mail Guide using Eudora
  8. Netiquette Guidelines
  9. Definitions of some common terms

To get a print-out, select, load and print as many or few of these documents as you wish, returning to this easy link to make your next selection.

To print, select File ... Print of your main menu bar, or the appropriate print icon of your icon bar.

Printing annomolies have been reported so far with some Browsers and some printers. If you experience difficulties, try a different (but similar) printer driver, or a different Browser.


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Copyright ©1996 Albury Local Internet. May be printed as a whole for individual reference, but may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express written permission.