Albury Local Internet IRC Users Survey

Please help us to help you by indicating your preferences below:
Note: This is only a preliminary Survey.


IRC that is NOT web based is a low bandwidth consumer, whereas Web Browsing, audio and video are more and more high bandwidth consumers. Under the current Telstra charging reqime, ISP's pay dearly for bandwidth used.

ISP's that offer low cost connections have to somehow restrict either the available bandwidth or particularly in the case of cheap flat rate pre-paid ISP's the length/stability of your call - the theory being someone else will get on before you get back in, thus spreading their risk.

The philosophy of ChatNet is to allow IRC users access to a reliable service at cheap rates without jeapordising the economic viability of maintaining the service.

Access to ChatNet would be through a DIFFERENT phone number, and a separate server - which means you would be required to set up a second dialler for IRC. You would still use your existing account name and password, and could still use your existing account on the normal number when you wished to.

ChatNet would ONLY be available to full subscribers of Albury Local Internet.

We currently have two possible alternatives to offer. If you have any other reasonable (and economically viable) suggestions to offer, and can justify and substantiate them, please include them as well.

Option 1.

Filtered by port: this option would allow full speed network access for IRC, but would not allow any http (web browser) access AT ALL. You may also find other programs, audio and video applications for example, would not work through the IRC dedicated server. You could run all your text based IRC programs (MIRC, WSIRC, MacIRC etc) as long as they were not Browser based.

Please select your response:

If Other, please be more specific:

Option 2.

Bandwidth limited: this option would allow full access to the Internet for IRC and web access, which means you could use your text based and Browser based IRC programs. The catch is that it would be proportionately SLOWER for everything. For example, if the hourly access charge was 1/5 of our normal access plan, there would be only 1/5 of the bandwidth available and therefore 1/5 of the throughput speed. Normal non-browser based (text based) IRC is usually limited only by the typing speed of the participants. No appreciable difference is noticed until you get down to the equivalent of less than a 2400 baud modem. Browser based IRC users would find page loading slow, and would be well advised to turn "load pictures" off. It would definitely not be recommended for general Browsing or file download (FTP).

Please select your response:

If Other, please be more specific:

Any other general comments or suggestions:

If you have requested any information that requires a reply please enter
your e-mail address here:

Please Note:

All the above low cost access plans are subject to Telstra charging considerations. Any surcharge or additional charges levied by Telstra on data calls to ISP's will be passed on to subscribers.

PLEASE read and sign the petition to STOP TELSTRA in this underhanded attempt to hijack YOUR Internet!

Thank you for taking the time!